5 Things you must know about Makar Sankranti festival | Makara Sankranti greetings 2017


Whenever the “sankranti festival” comes into you’re mind you might be eating some chikkis and flying kites probably cutting yours neighbors’ kite and watching the fun what not? Your mind may be filled with fun full moments and happiness. This whole story apart there are the 5 things you must know about makarsankranti festival.

 1) Change in the direction of sun

makara sankranti wishes 2017, makara sankranti wishes

During this day the sun changes its path from dakshinayan (south) to uttharayan (north). i.e.., the sun transition from south to north bringing sun closer to north this results in warning the days and keeping the day long .

2)  Why it is called Makar Sankranti ?

As you already know that sun transition from one zodiac sign to another every month, here the sun moves from Sagittarius to Capricorn in his celestial path. Capricorn is also known as “makar rashi “in telugu “sankranti” represents transition both collectively called “makar sankranti”.

3) Same festival though many names.

makara sankranti wishes 2017, makara sankranti wishes

Makar sankranti is a phrase that is well known for everyone, generally this is a harvesting festival celebrated in east to west and south to north in India. Due to its significances and rituals it got many names. While makar sankranti is most popular in west and some down part of south. In north it is known as pongal and celebrated as “lohari”. Kichidi, uttarayan , magh are some other names of festival.

4) Flying –kites, why do we fly kites on sankranti festival?

I guess no one ever thought of this question right? in olden days the kite-flying is used to done in the morning hours ,that is when sunlight is not  too harsh due to tis the human body is directly exposed to the sunlight  and gain some health. Since winter season is a time for the prone of infectious disease and lot more. So, indirectly flying kites is beneficial to skin.

 5) Pilgrimage

makara sankranti wishes 2017, makara sankranti wishes

Sankranti is not only for the transition of sun ,it also marks beginning of the kumba mela in uttarpradesh and pilgrimage of shabarimala also ends on this day in Kerala. People celebrate this day by taking a holy dip in flowing rivers to cleanse themselves from sins .it is also strongly believed that if you die on this day we will be directly allowed into heaven, no reborn no worry.